Give a Little Get a Lot

Keep the company of scholars, artists, and lovers of culture and history while helping support the Eugene O’Neill Foundation, Tao House. Your donation helps us honor the legacy of the only American playwright to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Invest in the future of our theatre, education, and Artist in Residence programs.

We would love your support!

The Eugene O’Neill Foundation is a 501(c)3, nonprofit organization and all donations to the Foundation are tax-deductible.

choose one of the options below

Festival Sponsors

Platinum $5,000 and above

Gold $2,500 to $4,999

Silver $1,000 to $2,499

Bronze $500 to $999


In addition to contributing online, supporters may also send a check to:

Eugene O’Neill Foundation
P.O. Box 402
Danville CA, 94526-0402

If your donation is for a specific project or in honor of an individual, please indicate on the memo line.


Please consider becoming a member of our partners on the east coast, the Eugene O'Neill Society. See more here...

Thank you for your continued support!