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Shop, Dine, See the Play!

January 10 - January 12


Shop, Dine, See the Play!

Join us for an exclusive no-host dining experience during our January production weekend! Foundation Board members will join you for some O’Neill-inspired conversation as we Shop and Dine in downtown Danville on performance nights. To participate, email michelehuertas@gmail.com and indicate: 1) your name, 2) how many guests, and 3) which location you would like to join and we will add you to our O’Neill table. Please RSVP by Wed. Jan. 8.


Friday, Jan. 10, 5:30pm

The Peasant and The Pear: https://www.rodneyworth.com/location/the-peasant-and-the-pear/

Incontro: http://incontrodanville.com/menu/

Saturday, Jan. 11, 5:30pm

Blossom and Root: https://blossomandrootkitchen.com/

Harvest: https://www.danvilleharvest.com/

Sunday, Jan. 12, 5:30pm

Danville Brewing: https://danvillebrewing.com/


For additional O’Neill inspired conversations with no reservations required, pop in Cottage Jewel (http://cottagejewel.com/cms/) Jan. 10-12 from 1 to 4pm or come to our O’Neill Happy Hour at Auburn Lounge (https://www.auburnlounge.com/) Jan. 21 at 5:30pm.