SIRS Tickets to “Anna Christie” Sept. 15
September 15, 2023 @ 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Eugene O’Neill Festival 2023: Having Her Say
“Anna Christie”
by Eugene O’Neill
Directed by Eric Fraisher Hayes
We welcome our SIRS friends and supporters (Branches 146, 116, and 128)
to the Fri. Sept. 15, 7:30 PM performance at a special price of $55
Tickets available July 10. Purchase by Aug. 15
Other live performances of “Anna Christie” at Tao House:
Sept. 9, 10* / 15-17* /22-24*
Performances are at 7:30 pm, 2:00 pm *Sunday matinées
Eugene O’Neill created some of the American theatre’s most memorable female characters, including Mary Tyrone, Josie Hogan, Nina Leeds, and Anna Christophersen. It is the last of these, Anna Christophersen, better known as “Anna Christie,” that will be the center of this year’s festival. Feeling controlled by her father and fiance, Anna stops them in their tracks and has her say. Anna’s declaration that she is the master of her own destiny ushered in a new appreciation of the female voice in the American theatre. This year’s festival will focus on a variety of female voices.
(Enjoy attending performances at Tao House? Become a Eugene O’Neill Foundation, Tao House member here)