Stream “Welded,” a Tao House Film
December 31
Watch our film for FREE anytime you like, here
and watch our virtual discussion on the play here
Eugene O’Neill’s 1924 play “Welded” gets reimagined in this short feature film. The play was staged in January 2022 at the Museum of the San Ramon Valley, remounted at the St. Michael’s Theatre for the Eugene O’Neill International Festival of Theatre in New Ross, Co Wexford, Ireland in October 2022, and then filmed in the Old Barn at Tao House, Eugene O’Neill National Historic Site in Danville, CA in November/December of 2022. As far as we are aware, “Welded” has never been produced as a film, and has only been staged twice. This Tao House Film is unique and may be the only current version in existence.
Adapted and Directed by Eric Fraisher Hayes, the film features Adrian Deane, Terrance Smith, Craig Eychner, and Bonnie DeChant.
Production dramaturgy by Beth Wynstra, sound design by Rob Evans, and lighting tech by Jeffrey Beyer.
We would like to thank the National Park Service for making this Tao House film possible.