Virtual Productions
In 2020, the world changed for all of us, and to fill the void of live performances our Artistic Director and actors adapted to the times and began offering virtual programming via YouTube and Vimeo. We have not stopped since! Scroll down for all our recordings and films.
Watch our Virtual Productions
View our exclusive recording of our April 5, 2024e conversation with best-selling author Michael Connelly and retired LAPD homicide detective Rick Jackson. Cost $10 for unlimited views.
Watch Beyond the Horizon, a Tao House Film HERE
We are bringing some of O'Neill's most famous characters to life in short snippets called "The Ghosts of Tao House" which also highlight the National Historic Site of Tao House. Eric Fraisher Hayes, Artistic Director, filmed and produced these films and introduces them in the first video.
O'Neill left Tao House, but did his characters go with him?
View our past Fellows' discussions here
The film of O’Neill’s “Welded” was released to the public on April 27, 2023. Watch it on YouTube at your leisure, for free HERE
The Lost Plays
Early one-act O’Neill play, recorded at TH
with intro and post-event discussion 10/03/2020
Early one-act O’Neill play, recorded at TH
Early one-act O’Neill play, recorded at TH
with intro and post-event discussion 10/17/2020
Commentary on the Plays
Virtually, The Lost Plays
Performing at Tao House 9/24/2020
A Glimpse into the Making of The Lost Plays 8/17/2020
Discuss The Lost Plays’ Relevancy Today 9/8/2020
describe their characters in One Word 09/21/2020
Exploring Legal Issues in O’Neill’s Lost Plays 9/15/2020
A Word from our Artistic Director 7/16/20
Scholars’ Videos
Performing at Tao House 9/24/2020
Author, Student Companion to Eugene O'Neill and Professor Emeritus, English, Lasell University
Themes in O’Neill’s Lost Plays 09/25/2020
Author of Magnum Opus: The Cycle Plays of Eugene O'Neill (forthcoming from Yale University Press in April 2021)
The Web 10/07/2020
Editor, Eugene O'Neill Review and Professor of English, University of North Texas
Assistant Professor of English, Babson College
O’Neill’s Lost Plays
Retired Professor of Philosophy and Editor, Visions of Tragedy in Modern Drama (Bloomsbury 2018)
Nietzsche and Early O'Neill 10/06/2020
Vice President of Eugene O'Neill Society and Professor of English, Miami University of Ohio
Katie Johnson Discusses The Web 10/06/2020
Professor at the University of Caen Normandie, France. Author, "Struggle, Defeat or Rebirth: Eugene O’Neill’s Vision of Humanity", and "Eugene O’Neill and the Reinvention of Theatre Aesthetics."
OnThe Web
Vice President of Eugene O'Neill Society and Professor of English, Miami University of Ohio
Katie Johnson Discusses Recklessness 10/23/2020
Vice President of Eugene O'Neill Society and Professor of English, Miami University of Ohio
Katie Johnson Discusses Abortion 10/23/2020
Artist in Residence, 2015. Author, “N”.
The Lost Plays
Early one-act O’Neill play, recorded at TH
with intro and post-event discussion 10/03/2020
Early one-act O’Neill play, recorded at TH
Early one-act O’Neill play, recorded at TH
with intro and post-event discussion 10/17/2020
Commentary on the Plays
Virtually, The Lost Plays
Performing at Tao House 9/24/2020
A Glimpse into the Making of The Lost Plays 8/17/2020
Discuss The Lost Plays’ Relevancy Today 9/8/2020
describe their characters in One Word 09/21/2020
Exploring Legal Issues in O’Neill’s Lost Plays 9/15/2020
A Word from our Artistic Director 7/16/20
Scholars’ Videos
Performing at Tao House 9/24/2020
Author, Student Companion to Eugene O'Neill and Professor Emeritus, English, Lasell University
Themes in O’Neill’s Lost Plays 09/25/2020
Author of Magnum Opus: The Cycle Plays of Eugene O'Neill (forthcoming from Yale University Press in April 2021)
The Web 10/07/2020
Editor, Eugene O'Neill Review and Professor of English, University of North Texas
Assistant Professor of English, Babson College
O’Neill’s Lost Plays
Retired Professor of Philosophy and Editor, Visions of Tragedy in Modern Drama (Bloomsbury 2018)
Nietzsche and Early O'Neill 10/06/2020
Vice President of Eugene O'Neill Society and Professor of English, Miami University of Ohio
Katie Johnson Discusses The Web 10/06/2020
Professor at the University of Caen Normandie, France. Author, "Struggle, Defeat or Rebirth: Eugene O’Neill’s Vision of Humanity", and "Eugene O’Neill and the Reinvention of Theatre Aesthetics."
OnThe Web
Vice President of Eugene O'Neill Society and Professor of English, Miami University of Ohio
Katie Johnson Discusses Recklessness 10/23/2020
Vice President of Eugene O'Neill Society and Professor of English, Miami University of Ohio
Katie Johnson Discusses Abortion 10/23/2020
Artist in Residence, 2015. Author, “N”.
Mentor Magazine article 8/31/2020
A Word from our President 8/3/2020
Ten Essential Tips on Visiting Tao House 7/6/2020
A Short Hiking Tour of Tao House and Local Trails 6/23/2020
Beyond the Horizon Film
FREE 3-Part Playlist (Act I, II and III)
Learn more about the Pulitzer-winning play in our new downloadable Engagement Guide
Hear what O’Neill scholars have to say about the play
As we emerged from these historically challenging times, many of us imagined a future of new possibilities.
Be inspired by our current collection and share your story of what you long for "just beyond the horizon."