Welcome to our 2023 Artists in Residence
April 19, 2023

We congratulate our five outstanding applicants for winning 2023 fellowships;
Sharon Green, Min Kahng, Stafani Kuo, Matthew Olmos, and Martin Petrucci.
We look forward to welcoming you to Tao House, Eugene O’Neill’s home in Danville, CA, to spend quiet time working on your various projects in solitude and peace.
We are proud to announce the Travis Bogard Artist in Residence Fellowships for 2023. The five were selected from a robust number of diverse applications that support the Foundation’s mission to further the legacy of Eugene O’Neill.
- Min Kahng, is a playwright who has had a number of commissioned theatre pieces which he has worked on over the past year, including one for TheatreWorks Silicon Valley. At Tao House he will delve into a script for a one-person show, tentatively titled, The Aftermath Liturgy.
- Matthew Olmos, also a playwright, returned to Los Angeles after a career in New York and began writing works based in Mexico and Los Angeles. This has led to a feeling of rebirth of his artistic voice. At Tao House, he plans to focus on reimagining his play A Home What Howls or The House What Was Ravine as an opera.
- Martin Petrucci, is a screenwriter who has developed a project about the time Eugene O’Neill lived in Buenos Aires as a young man. As a practicing musician, he will incorporate tango music into the one-act performance piece on which he will devote his time at Tao House.
- Sharon Green, a professor in the Theatre Department at Davidson College will apply “the research and creative methodologies of documentary performance and oral history to an investigation of the multiple ways in which the social, economic, cultural, and health condition resulting from COVID-19 have impacted teaching, learning and educational institution.” She plans to complete a documentary play.
- Stefani Kuo, as a second year MFA candidate in playwriting will continue her work on a new play, Sand Ditch, an adaptation of Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale. She is attempting to mirror the structure of The Winter’s Talewhich has two interchangeable halves that could tell two different stories depending on which comes first. She intends to propose the play as her final production at Yale as part of the annual Carlotta New Play Festival.